Campsong Suite

School Level: Advanced Middle
Level: 2
Price: $60.00
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Capturing the excitement of summer camp, “Campsong Suite” illustrates the merriment of children joking about creatures in the woods, laughing about the food, and poking fun at the counselors. The arrangement, a medley of five favorites, highlights switching time signatures. This arrangement is dedicated to Bert Crossman of Camp Ak-O-Mak near Ahmic Harbour, Ontario. Camp Ak-O-Mak is a girls outdoor adventure camp. Sporting the motto “We Don’t Sew Beads on Belts,” Ak-O-Mak campers compete in national war canoe, running, triathlon, and swimming events. When girls sprained ankles or strained muscles, they would be assigned to Bert, who would teach them how to patch wooden canoes, mow the golf course, or fix a faucet, all the while quietly mending the girls’ spirits.
Audio Sample:
Demo Score:  Not Available


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