A Leader in Elementary and Middle School Band Music
We feature an excellent beginning band method and great arrangements for your elementary and middle school bands.
Power of the Winds, LLC is a small publishing company dedicated to providing sheet music that:
- Motivates and inspires students
- Serves the needs of music educators
- Is available for purchase by music stores, schools, churches, and other non-profit organizations
Band Students...check out the Student Resources pages to listen (for free) to solos and accompaniments for your instrument!
Band Directors, Music Stores, and Churches…browse through method books, solos, ensembles, concert band arrangements, and more on the SHOP menu.
News and Upcoming Events
Now Available: A Classroom Method for Teaching Beginning Band.
This new and complementary video series is designed for use with Book 1 in the Beginning Band Method series.
Check it out on YouTube!

A Leader in Elementary and Middle School Band Music